Monday, August 13, 2012

July 31, 2012

Sometime in the night, the stray got out of the fenced area, and instead of running off, ran to the front porch, curled up and spent the night there.  When I went to feed him again, he opted to follow me instead of staying with the food.   That was pretty much the end of the decision making.  A starving dog who would give up food to be with a person?

Instead of Animal Control, I took him to the vet.  I knew I was hooked when the receptionist asked me for the name, and I said "oh, it's Ollie" - she looked at me oddly and said "No, I meant what's your name".  Ollie was in such bad shape, it's hard to tell how old he might be - somewhere between 3 - 8 at best estimate.  Emaciated, sarcoptic mange, ticks, fleas, he has worn his teeth down chewing at the mange.  But he was negative for heartworms, and his organs all seemed to be functioning.  So he was vaccinated for rabies, distemper, and parvo.  He is being treated for an impressive worm-load, medication and skin treatments for the mange.  He has to be quarantined from our dogs for at least 4 weeks.   His skin is so damaged, it bleeds when we tried to put a collar on, so he is wearing a soft rope for now.

He belonged to someone...sometime. He knows what people are for, he rides in the truck like a champ (although he was too weak to get in and out himself).  He walks well on a leash - he acts like he was a hunting dog. He wants people more than he wants anything else, even the other dogs.  I really was not looking for another dog - but I have a funny feeling he was looking for me. 

Welcome home Ollie-Dog!!

Sweet dog!!

So thin when he found us.

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